Orzaks Pharmaceuticals’ Vitamin D Day Event

Vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency is observed in 1 billion people worldwide. For this reason, November 2 is celebrated every year as World Vitamin D Day.

Orzaks Pharmaceuticals, with its “Vitamin D Support” slogan, is welcoming World Vitamin D Day on November 2 with an important event across Turkey. The event, which was celebrated last year at Istanbul Şişli Hospice with the slogan “Vitamin D Support from 7 to 70”, took place in the shadow of the earthquake disaster in Kahramanmaraş this year. This year, Orzaks Pharmaceuticals collaborated with the Eastern Pediatric Association and organized an event to raise vitamin D awareness and to be together with the children of earthquake victims.

The event took place at Kahramanmaraş Umut Container Secondary School, where various shows and activities were organized for children. Physicians from the Eastern Pediatric Association gave informative presentations to families about vitamin D awareness. In addition, Yellow Support boxes and gifts specially prepared for children were distributed.

The event was met with great interest from families. After the informative conference of the Eastern Pediatric Association physicians, Ocean Vitamin D3 supplements were presented to the families. In addition, a Vitamin D Support Memory Wall was created to leave a memory with the children.

Orzaks Pharmaceuricals promoted the event with digital and printed invitations before and during the project. A large audience was reached with a banner and short movie on the website. Vitamin D Support and Orzax branding was applied to various areas in the Container City. 315,000 daily views were achieved in 40 locations. Approximately 450,000 daily views are targeted with the short film that will be broadcast in cinemas until the end of November.

With the Takeover application on Onedio.com, a total of 2.5 million reaches were achieved in 1 month, with a daily reach of 85,000. On the influencer marketing side of the project, the posts made with 6 doctor influencers reached a total of 2,900,000 followers. Orzaks Pharmaceuticals Instagram page has so far received 1,100,000 views.

The social responsibility project attracted great interest from the sector and the press. It was featured in 255 publications and received extensive media attention in the national and local press. A wide audience was reached with 131 seconds of video news in the CNNTürk News Bulletin. In addition, 3000 Vitamin D Support packages were delivered to pediatricians and dieticians.

Orzaks Pharmaceuticals organized an event in Kahramanmaraş together with the Vitamin D Support team with the principle of conducting headquarters and field communication at a high level in this project. The project was completed with great pleasure and is waiting to be evaluated with its short film.

Vitamin D Day Event